BULLDOG is made from Norfolk wheat from the fertile East Anglia region of England, Britain’s purest fresh water from Wales and a distinctive blend of 12 botanicals from 8 countries around the world – Chinese dragon eye, Turkish white poppy seeds, Asian lotus leaves, Italian juniper, Moroccan coriander, German angelica, Spanish lemon, Chinese liquorice, Italian orris, Spanish almonds, Asian cassia and French lavender. We source our botanicals from the same place every year to ensure consistency. BULLDOG is vegan-friendly and certified Kosher.
Launched in 2007, BULLDOG Gin was conceived with a new attitude and approach to the traditionally conservative world of super-premium gin.
BULLDOG was founded by former investment banker, Anshuman Vohra; who developed his passion for gin at an early age while enjoying gin and tonics with his father, a career diplomat. Inspired by his travels around the globe, Mr. Vohra (with help from our Master Distiller) sourced an exotic blend of 12 botanicals from eight countries that would create a smooth, harmonious flavour unique to BULLDOG that he felt was lacking in existing gins. BULLDOG’s mission: to service the growing demand of discerning customers fatigued by traditionally popular spirits like vodka, as well as revolutionize and expand the gin category.
Next, the distinctive, iconic bottle was born. Designed to visually evoke the bold philosophy behind its contents, BULLDOG Gin’s bottle signifies a revolutionary approach to the spirit category that is experiencing resurgence in recent years. As an independent spirit brand, BULLDOG took the inspiration for its name from Sir Winston Churchill – an iconic, independent spirit himself – and the British «Bulldog Spirit» that he embodied